Thursday, August 4, 2011

Global Warming

Global warming is the rising of temperatures in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. This is caused by green house gases and excessive human activity such as the burning of fossil feuls. Green house gases are what capture heat in order to keep the Earth's surface warm enough for us to live on. However, these gases have built up over time and is becoming to much for our planet to handle (Wikipedia the free encyclopedia).The constant rise in temperatures that seems to increase by a larger number every decade can destroy and lead to the inevitable.
The main cause of global warming comes from CO2 or carbon oxides. Carbon oxides come from the combustion of fossil feuls that can deter our breathing abilities. Today, a 31 percent in the increase of CO2 has been emitted by people and growing. A pollutant of this magnitude is sadly caused by humanity ( Cooler Climate). Global warming can bring forth all types of shifts in our climate, such as increased droughts, increased floods, species unable to adapt to the changing conditions and face extinction, hurricanes will become more prevelent, and the sea levels that continue to rise.
The reaction to global warming most saught after would be the act of mitigation. Mitagation is a process by which it condenses or milds out conditions. Mitigation can be used in this global warming crisis to moderate the amount of fossil feuls being burned. What we have done to our environment through carelessness and the over-burning of fossil feuls has more than trippled our temperatures in the last 650,000 years (environmental defense fund). Through the use of conservation of our non renewable resourses (fossil feul) the constant temperature rising phenomenon can be reduced. Reduced global warming means life not just for humanity but the many ecosystems that live around as well as our climate.
Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. (August 4, 2011). Global Warming.

Environmental Defense Fund. (August 4, 2011). The Basics of Global Warming.

A Cooler Climate. (August 4, 2011). How Do Humans Cause Global Warming?

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