Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Real Animals Toward the Environment

The infinitely placed rule that humanity has superiority over animals was set over hundreds of years ago. Animals were to live outdoors because it was their habitat. Humans had the freedom of choice in where they wanted to live. Animals were thought to sustain themselves through harsh weather and treatment by humans or another animal because it was simply in it's nature. Both species were given two different paths or missions in their lives.

Some might ask, which species is fulfilling their purpose or their specific duties to themselves and to their environment around them?
Animals were naturally programmed or trained to find their food, find a mate, take care of their young, protect themselves, and most of all take care and look out for their surroundings. Everything an animal does, not only helps them but it helps their environment. In environmental science we like to call this process mutualism. Mutualism is one host benefitting from another and neither is affected. Animals naturally use the environment without leaving such an impact that would destroy it. Animal's way of thinking and how they are trained to follow their natural missions is not manipulative and power hungry as a humans way of thinking tends to be.
Humanity is supposed to work and prosper with the environment through this mutualistic process, but sadly this is not the case. The superiority that humanity has aquired has ruled their decisions on how they treat the environment. Humanity is inevitably destroying the environment. Most are too busy or unaware to care to find out how to take heed to their environment (Blurtit). An example of an environmental crisis is the waste and global warming due to pollution and not recycling. These crisis arise more and more from carelessness to our surroundings. These facts make you wonder who should live outside.
The superiority that humanity is given should allow us to do above and beyond than animals for our environment and this can still happen. We as humans could actually learn from the animals we pay little attention to because of their superior status.
Sources: Blurtit (July 21, 2011). Why Do People Destroy the Environment?

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