Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Affects Water Pollution Has on Humans and The Affects We Can Have on Water Pollution

One of the causes of death in developing countries is water pollution.Water pollution refers to the addition of foreign substances (pollutants) to a water source.( 2011). The water pollution occurring in these developing countries is costing the residents their health and lives at an increasing rate. Their health is suffering because of the plummeting decrease in natural resources used to nourish themselves. The two main resources are of course, fresh water and sea animals. The consistent rate of waste being dumped into the water supplies for these countries is not only contaminating the water, but killing and contaminating the food resources that live in these waters.
Developed countries are less affected by this water pollution crisis and can do things to help, but often don't or take their clean water for granted. Children in these devoloping countries are hungry, sick, and thirsty because of the toxic waste, and sewage being dumped into their water.  
Is this increasing problem treatable?
I would YES!
WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! "Pollution laws and pollution control technologies have succeeded especially well in cutting emissions from concentrated "point sources" like factories and sewage treatment plants."(Revenga and Mock 2000). Water pollution is a problem that is more prominent in developing countries, but does not mean that the developed countries cannot help those in need. I believe any able or willing person can make a difference. "For example, from 1972 to 1992 the amount of sewage treated at wastewater treatment plants in the United States increased by 30 percent, yet the organic pollution (measured as the Biological Oxygen Demand) from these plants dropped 36 percent (CEQ 1995:229)."(Revenga and Mock 2000). There are many websites and groups we can join to support the stop of water pollution.What can we start to take into consideration that we usually don't? Try watching what you flush down the toilet or sink or even throw in the trash. Conserve water and try picking up any litter that you see.(The Guides Network). These are just a few things we can do, but will help decrease water pollution and save a life. (2011). Water Pollution - Glossary Definition - Water Technology.

Revenga and Mock (October 2000). Dirty Water: Pollution Problems Persist.

The Guides Network (2003-2011). What Can You Do? Water Pollution.

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